Vada Vickland, of Longmont, CO, exhibited the Grand Champion Chi Heifer - this heifer was also the Overall Grand Champion Heifer in the Junior Show

Paige Netzke, of Lamberton, MN, exhibited the Reserve Champion Chi Heifer

Jaime Lundquist, of Hampden, ND, exhibited the Reserve Champion LimFlex Heifer

Bailey Dockter, of Medina, ND, exhibited the Grand Champion Gelbvieh Heifer

Cierra Dockter, of Medina, ND, exhibited the Reserve Champion Gelbvieh Heifer

Emma Vickland, of Longmont, CO, exhibited the Grand Champion Hereford Heifer

Tyler Bush, of Britton, SD, exhibited the Reserve Champion Angus Heifer

Clay Osterday, of Java, SD, exhibited the Reserve Champion Shorthorn Plus Heifer

Fletcher Hennessy, of Des Lacs, ND, exhibited the Grand Champion Simmental Heifer - this heifer was also the Overall Reserve Champion Heifer in the Junior Show

Marin Eeg, of Greenbush, MN, exhibited the Reserve Champion Simmental Heifer

Sterling Kappes, of Aberdeen, SD, exhibited the Grand Champion Sim-Influenced Heifer

Whitney Olson, of Alexandria, MN, exhibited the Reserve Champion Sim-Influenced Heifer

Damin Hadorn-Papke, of Eau Claire, WI, exhibited the Grand Champion Shorthorn Heifer

Allison Nord, of Kathryn, ND, exhibited the Reserve Champion Shorthorn Heifer

Lee Bjorklund, of Henning, MN, exhibited the Grand Champion Red Angus Heifer

Riley Johnson, of Jackson, MN, exhibited the Grand Champion Maine Heifer

Paige Janke, of Hixton, WI, exhibited the Reserve Champion Maine Heifer

Brady Blair, of Glenwood, MN, exhibited the Grand Champion Charolais Heifer