Delaney Herefords, of Lake Benton, MN, exhibited the Supreme Pen of Bulls
Hennessy Show Cattle, of Des Lacs, ND, exhibited the Supreme Pen of Females
Chestnut Angus Farm, of Pipestone, MN exhibited the Supreme Individual Bull in the Open Show
Vada Vickland, of Longmont, CO, exhibited thethe Supreme Individual Female in the Open Show
Vada Vickland, of Longmont, CO, exhibited the Overall Grand Champion Heifer in the Junior Show
Fletcher Hennessy, of Des Lacs, ND, exhibited the Overall Reserve Champion Heifer in the Junior Show
Grant Vickland, of Longmont, CO, exhibited the Grand Champion Market Animal
Grant Vickland, of Longmont, CO, exhibited the Reserve Champion Market Animal
Location:700 7th St. SEValley City, ND 58072
Mailing Address: PO Box 846Valley City, ND 58072
Phone: 701-845-1401 Email Us