Corey Schafer, of Glenham, SD, exhibited the Grand Champion Charolais Heifer. This heifer was also named the Supreme Individual Female in the Open Show.

Lincoln Dikoff, of Faulkton, SD, exhibited the Grand Champion Sim-influenced Heifer.

Kevin/Theresa Bachmeier, of McLaughlin, SD, exhibited the Grand Champion Limousin Heifer.

Schaefer Chiangus, of Des Lacs, ND, exhibited the Grand Champion Chi-influenced Heifer.

Lizzy Black, of Brookings, SD, exhibited the Grand Champion Simmental Heifer.

Riley Johnson, of Jackson, MN, exhibited the Grand Champion Mainetainer Heifer.

Rylee Lodoen, of Westhope, ND, exhibited the Grand Champion Red Angus Heifer.

Jordan Lamb, of Wilson, WI, exhibited the Grand Champion Hereford Heifer.

Shayna DeGroot, of Edgerton, MN, exhibited the Grand Champion Shorthorn Plus Heifer.

Josh Vachal, of Valley City, ND, exhibited the Grand Champion Shorthorn Heifer.

Tesch Brothers, of Watertown, SD, exhibited the Grand Champion Angus Heifer.

Tyler Trihus, of Hollandale, MN, exhibited the Grand Champion Commercial Heifer.