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Jamie Geyer of Lisbon, ND exhibited the Grand Champion Red Angus heifer. This heifer was also name the Supreme Individual Female in the Open Show.
Jared Carlson of Pipestone, MN exhibited the Grand Champion Angus heifer.
Brady Blair of Glenwood, MN exhibited the Grand Champion All Other Breeds heifer.
Grace Schaefer of Minot, ND exhibited the Grand Champion Chi heifer.
Brook Hinniker of Pipestone, MN exhibited the Grand Champion Commercial heifer.
Donnelly Farms of Valley City, ND exhibited the Grand Champion Hereford heifer.
Sydney Johnson of Zap, ND exhibited the Grand Champion Limousin heifer.
Marin Eeg of Greenbush, MN exhibited the Grand Champion Mainetainer heifer.
Whitney Olson of Alexandria, MN exhibited the Grand Champion Simmental heifer.
Jadeyn Schneider of Hanley, WI exhibited the Grand Champion Shorthorn heifer.
Katie Myhre of Wahpeton, ND exhibited the Grand Champion Shorthorn Plus heifer.
Austin Dockter of Velva, ND exhibited the Grand Champion Sim-influenced heifer.
Jackson Krebs of Okaboji, IA exhibited the Grand Champion Charolais heifer.
Location:700 7th St. SEValley City, ND 58072
Mailing Address: PO Box 846Valley City, ND 58072
Phone: 701-845-1401 Email Us