ND Ag Hall Of Fame Inductees

Alfred Black

Alfred Black

Alfred Black was a soil scientist for the USDA for 40 years and from 1979 to 1993, the Director of the Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory in Mandan, ND. He was a leading researcher and provided information on crop residue management, for improving water conservation, crop water-use efficiencies and controlling soil erosion. He was the inspiration and founder of the Area 4 SCD Cooperative Research Farm, which has been supporting ND farmers with field-sized research, in Mandan, for 30 years. His work led him to become recognized as an expert in dry land agriculture; he consulted not only throughout the US, but also in the former USSR, Australia, Canada and India. He became a requested presenter at major farm educational programs and significantly changed how ND farmers viewed the importance of their soil resource. Al received awards from numerous organizations, including the ND Wheat Producers Association, Prairie Chapter of NAMA, the ND Association of Soil Conservation Districts, USDA Certificates of Merit for Special Services and Fellow Awards from the International Soil and Water Conservation Society and American Society of Agronomy. He passed away in 2013, but will be remembered for his significant contributions to ND’s agricultural industry, for years to come.

Year Inducted: 2014

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